From the Desk of…
Dr. Ryan Shelton
Medical Director, Zenith Labs®
I didn’t believe it myself when I first heard it. After all, if the book is 2,000‑years-old, what could it possibly show us about supporting your blood sugar?
And what’s this about Blood Sugar Traps?
Isn’t blood sugar a 20th-century problem brought on by the high-fat, high-carb, high-sugar American diet?
Yes and no.
First off, blood sugar problems affect nearly 50% of Americans. Many of my patients have dealt with…
Stressing out and worrying about their blood sugar from the moment they eat breakfast in the morning, to any snacks they have throughout the day, or any time they just want to go out and enjoy their lives…
Guilt about eating their favorite foods like pizza, pasta, or a nice juicy cheeseburger – or even being forced to stop eating them completely…
Feeling trapped by low energy – staying home, scared the day’s activities will be too much for their blood sugar…
Worry that they’re a burden on their family – that their husband, wife, or children have to be extra careful what meals they prepare and which activities they plan…
The judgment of their doctor or even their loved ones – afraid that this is their own fault and they’re lazy…
Despair that their health will only get worse, facing a hopeless future…